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Marketing Opportunities

Have a BIG announcement or event coming up? Let us help you spread the word!

Member Marketing Opportunities

  • A member spotlight post on our FB page with a link to your webpage
  • Inclusion in the "Member News" section of our eblasts, as space allows, leading up to the event with a link to your webpage
  • Inclusion in the "Member News" section of our Weekend Chronicle Chamber Connection page, as space allows, leading up to the event directing to your webpage
  •  Inclusion on our community events calendar on our website. *Please note members need to submit a calendar request for approval. Submit HERE.
  • Placement of promotional materials in our Crystal River and/or Inverness office locations
  • Placement of promotional materials on our "Member News" table at monthly luncheons. *Not applicable to our semi-annual Candidate Forum luncheons
  • Hiring? You can access our "Members Hiring" listing and submit your open positions easily through your member portal HUB!

Please direct all marketing inquiries and requests to our PR/Communications Manager, Jade White, at

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